January 3rd, 2015

What's in a name...

While we were driving to Big Canoe to spend the day with David's parents, we talked about a name for our baby boy.  David and I had been researching names on our own, and when we started talking about it, we realized we had picked out the same name- John.  We loved the biblical meaning of the name: "Grace or Mercy of the Lord".  We had asked our family and friends to pray for mercy on our baby boy and that he wouldn't be in any pain and, although our time on Earth with him may be short, we take comfort in knowing that we will, by the Grace of God, spend eternity with him in Heaven.

On the drive up to Big Canoe, you pass through a little town called Tate.  I have always loved that name...we looked it up and it means "Cheerful"...David and I both started tearing up.  We decided that our boy would be named John Tate Bottoms.